The Organizing Committee would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge, with sincere appreciation, the generous contributions and support of the following sponsors and collaborating organizations:
Sponsors and Exhibitions
Package Sponsors
MSD/ Roche Products Ltd. / Takeda Pharmaceuticals International GmbH

Singular Sponsors
Abbott Laboratories (Singapore) Pte Ltd.
AbbVie Biopharmaceuticals GmbH Taiwan Branch
Alere Health Corp., Ltd.
Becton Dickinson
Boehringer Ingelheim
Creative Life Science Ltd.
Gilead Sciences & Harvester Co. Ltd.
Grand Marquis Company Ltd.
Harmony Home Taiwan
Kaohsiung Veterans General Hospital
Medigen Vaccine Biologics Co.
Pfizer Limited
Progressive Group Inc.
Roche Diagnostics Ltd., Taiwan
Sancordon Inc.
Sanofi Taiwan Co., Ltd.
Taiwan Lourdes Association
USA CDC & Rota Council

The APCMV Program Committee is Proud to Acknowledge the Scientific Input from the Following Organizations in Co-organizing Joint Symposia
Centers for Disease Control, Ministry of Health and Welfare
National Institutes of Health
Taiwan Association for the Study of the Liver
USA National Institutes of Health, Fogarty International Center

Collaborating Societies
Centers for Disease Control, Ministry of Health and Welfare
Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan
Global Chinese Association of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
Infection Control Society of Taiwan
MOHW-NTU Infectious Diseases Research and Education Center
National Institutes of Health
Taiwan AIDS Society
Taiwan Association for the Study of the Liver
Taiwan Pediatrics Association
Taiwan Society of Clinical Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
Taiwan Society of Laboratory Medicine
The Gastroenterological Society of Taiwan
The Infectious Diseases Society of Taiwan
The National Health Research Institutes