Thursday, October 15, 2015
Friday, October 16, 2015
Saturday, October 17, 2015
Sunday, October 18, 2015
Poster Session
Author Index
Sunday, October 18, 2015
Room 101
Plenary Lecture 10
Moderator: Li-Min Huang (Taiwan)
PL 10
Emerging Virus Infections and Novel Intervention Strategies
Ab Osterhaus (The Netherlands)
Room 101
Plenary Lecture 11
Moderator: Lee-Jene Teng (Taiwan)
PL 11
MERS - A Zoonotic Disease Disguised as a Pandemic Threat
Christian Drosten (Germany)
Room 101
Symposium 13
Influenza Virus
Moderators: Malik Peiris (Hong Kong); Luan-Yin Chang (Taiwan)
SP 13-1
Novel Antiviral Agents for Influenza Virus Infections
Shin-Ru Shih (Taiwan)
SP 13-2
Influenza Vaccination Challenges in the Asia-Pacific Region
Lance Jennings (New Zealand)
SP 13-3
Transmission Dynamics and Disease Burden of Influenza
Cécile Viboud (USA)
Room 102
Symposium 14
Emerging Infectious Diseases and Vaccine II
Moderators: Paul R. Young (Australia); Jen-Ren Wang (Taiwan)
SP 14-1
Host Jump: Flu, MERS-CoV and Ebola
George Fu Gao (China)
SP 14-2
Development of a Tetravalent Dengue Vaccine. Is It Worth the Wait?
Alain Bouckenooghe (Belgium)
SP 14-3
Nuclear Transport as an Interspecies Barrier of Avian Influenza Viruses
Prasert Auewarakul (Thailand)
Room 103
Symposium 15
Other Viruses
Moderators: Chun-Nan Lee (Taiwan); Mei-Ru Chen (Taiwan)
SP 15-1
Reactivation of EBV as a Target for Retardation or Prevention of Relapse of NPC
Jen-Yang Chen (Taiwan)
SP 15-2
Ubiquitination of Epstein-Barr Virus Lytic Proteins
Li-Kwan Chang (Taiwan)
OS 15-3
BanLec Inhibits Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus by Binding with the S1 Subunit of the Viral Spike Glycoprotein
Jasper Fuk-Woo Chan (Hong Kong)
OS 15-4
Targeted Gene Therapy for Human Lung Adenocarcinoma with a Suicide Gene Driven by a Lung-specific Promoter Delivered by the JC Virus-like Particles
Chun-Nun Chao (Taiwan)
OS 15-5
Circulating Salivary MiRNA as Potential Biomarkers for Determining Hand Food Mouth Disease in Children
Nyo Min (Singapore)